Post by Mary H on May 5, 2016 10:49:35 GMT -5
Tony and i were doing well.. He actually loved on me before he left for work which hasn't been happening a lot lately.. Then he ignored my 2 texts.. I was getting ready to go to bed, so I called him & he didn't answer.. I actually fell asleep with peace..
(Dream begins) I had a dream that I couldn't find him so I went to his sisters looking for him. He was there asleep on the couch. His sister was drunk and telling me that he doesn't need to be with me to obey God.. Tony woke up & got dressed & was still really messed up from partying.. He showed me 2 third degree burns he got.. He wanted me to take him to someone's house.. I said no & tried to convince him to go to the hospital.. He then said he had a girlfriend & that if I won't take him he will walk, but he was so messed up he could hardly stand.. I told him he has to stop & live for Jesus & then I woke up (Dream over)
When I woke up I saw that Tony didn't come home last night.. I called his phone & it was turned off.. I texted his mom to see if she knew where he was & he was at his sisters house! So weird.. He later texted me & said he's ok & that he just accidentally fell asleep at his sisters house.. I'm not going to respond to him..
Please pray for the Lords will be done in my & Tonys lives, & for the Holy Spirit to breathe within me Thank you
Post by Adrienne on May 5, 2016 11:58:31 GMT -5
Praying for both of you my friend.
Pray about this dream and its purpose, but try not to fixate on it too much. I am honestly personally an advocate of not trying to figure out / not wanting to know what exactly my spouse is up to. I figure it's just not my business, and it makes it easier for me to stand and focus on God if I'm not constantly worried about what he's doing. (I'm not saying that's what you're doing at all, just putting this out there as one way I try to approach my stand). And God's word promises that all that is done in secret will come to light. I know He's got this covered, so I really try not to worry about it!
Keep praying and I will continue in prayer for you too. I have missed you around here, seems like you've been a bit quiet lately. I hope you're doing okay. I pray for you to stay strong and be continually covered by God's great peace.
May 5, 2016 12:24:25 GMT -5
Post by kridycat on May 5, 2016 12:24:25 GMT -5
I know sometimes dreams feel so real, it's hard to tell the difference from reality itself. Months ago I was having dreams of my husband and I together. The one night it felt so real as we were sleeping in our bed together, only to wake up in our bed alone with just the dog. We just have to remember dreams are just dreams, they are real no matter how much we want them to be or not. But I found if I pray before I go to bed to get a peaceful nights rest, I am usually able to. I will pray for you.
Post by leandro on May 5, 2016 12:42:29 GMT -5
I believe God speaks to us during dreams, and yes some of them are created by what we are thinking or taking about all day, but there are dreams that are very real and we have to be very careful with these dreams, God speaks to us during dreams and we have to discern them the best way possible. If it gives you peace even though your dream looks a little agitated then most likely is God trying to tell you something.
Post by Mary H on May 5, 2016 13:58:26 GMT -5
Yes, I have dreams often and a lot of them have come to pass. I've found that dreams are 1 of 3 things: 1) God reveling somthing to you that will come to pass, either to prepare you or for His glory. 2) the Lord reveling somthing within your heart that He wants you to deal with 3) the enemy trying to scare & distract you
I'm not sure about this dream yet because I'm currently still praying for interpretation.. But I'm just struggling with the rejection from Tony a bit today..
For the past week or two I've been ignoring the Lord.. Not spending time with Him, & then reaping the fruits of that.. I told Tony to leave at one point & was dealing with intense depression & fear.. Like never before.. But He's been so faithful to pull me out of the muck & it restoring me back to Him. That's why I've been a bit quiet Thank you for your prayers
Post by Sharon on May 5, 2016 14:49:01 GMT -5
Mary I am going to pray on this. If this dream is from God, there is a reason he has revealed it to you, so take comfort in God that He has a plan. He is not sharing it with you to scare you (remember He has not given us a spirit of fear), but to prepare you for something, so take that as encouragement. He is working and He has the best planned for you.
Post by marissaa91 on May 6, 2016 0:52:50 GMT -5
I'm going to be praying that God gives you revelation, peace, and guidance on how to handle it.